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Rom Quiz | Sprachschule Münster

Rom Quiz

Louvre Quiz

1. What is the world’s largest art museum? ______.
a) The Vatican Museums (Die Vatikanischen Museen)
b) The Louvre
c) The British Museum (Das Britische Museum)

2. Which famous painting can be found in the Louvre? ______.
a) The Scream (Der Schrei)
b) Mona Lisa
c) Starry Night (Sternennacht)

3. What was the Louvre originally before becoming a museum? ______.
a) A royal palace (Ein Königspalast)
b) A library (Eine Bibliothek)
c) A theater (Ein Theater)

4. When did the Louvre open as a museum? ______.
a) 1800
b) 1793
c) 1900

5. Approximately how many art pieces does the Louvre hold? ______.
a) 250,000
b) Over 380,000 (Über 380.000)
c) 500,000

6. What is the iconic entrance of the Louvre called? ______.
a) The Arc de Triomphe entrance (Eingang des Arc de Triomphe)
b) The glass pyramid (Die Glaspyramide)
c) The garden gate (Das Gartentor)

7. How many square meters does the Louvre cover? ______.
a) 50,000 square meters (Quadratmeter)
b) Over 72,000 square meters (Über 72.000 Quadratmeter)
c) 100,000 square meters (Quadratmeter)

8. How many visitors does the Louvre attract yearly? ______.
a) 5 million
b) About 10 million (Etwa 10 Millionen)
c) 15 million

9. What time periods does the Louvre's collection span? ______.
a) Middle Ages only (Nur Mittelalter)
b) Ancient Greece to the Renaissance (Antikes Griechenland bis zur Renaissance)
c) From Ancient Egypt to modern times (Von Altägypten bis zur Moderne)

10. Which famous sculpture is housed in the Louvre? ______.
a) David
b) Venus de Milo
c) The Thinker (Der Denker)

11. How many departments is the Louvre museum divided into? ______.
a) Six
b) Eight (Acht)
c) Ten

12. Where does the Louvre rank among Paris’s attractions? ______.
a) Least visited (Am wenigsten besucht)
b) One of the most visited (Eines der meistbesuchten)
c) Second most visited (Zweithäufigst besucht)

13. What was the Louvre before it became a palace? ______.
a) A cathedral (Eine Kathedrale)
b) A fortress (Eine Festung)
c) A market (Ein Markt)

14. What types of items are included in the Louvre’s collection? ______.
a) Paintings only (Nur Gemälde)
b) Paintings, sculptures, and artifacts (Gemälde, Skulpturen und Artefakte)
c) Artifacts only (Nur Artefakte)

15. The Louvre building is also considered what? ______.
a) An ancient ruin (Eine antike Ruine)
b) A simple structure (Eine einfache Struktur)
c) An architectural masterpiece (Ein architektonisches Meisterwerk)

16. How many times has the Louvre been expanded? ______.
a) Twice (Zweimal)
b) Never (Niemals)
c) Multiple times (Mehrmals)

17. How many days a week is the Louvre open? ______.
a) Seven (Sieben)
b) Five (Fünf)
c) Six (Sechs)

18. What special tours does the Louvre offer twice a week? ______.
a) Night tours (Nachttouren)
b) Architecture tours (Architekturtouren)
c) Children’s tours (Kindertouren)

19. In how many languages are guided tours available at the Louvre? ______.
a) Only in French (Nur auf Französisch)
b) In English and French (Auf Englisch und Französisch)
c) Multiple languages (Mehrere Sprachen)

20. How do art lovers feel about the Louvre? ______.
a) It’s a hidden gem (Ein verstecktes Juwel)
b) It’s a must-visit destination (Ein Muss)
c) It’s overrated (Es wird überbewertet)

Rom Quiz

Rom Quiz

Rom Quiz | Sprachschule Münster