Present Simple / Einfaches Präsens
- Simple Present (Fact & Habit)
- Present - Permanent & Non Permanent Situations
- Present Progressive Pos
- Present Progressive Neg
- Present Progressive Questions
2 . Present Progressive/ Continuous
- Present Progressive Pos
- Present Progressive Neg
- Present Progressive Questions
3. Mixed Present Progressive exercises
4. Past Simple
- Past Simple Pos
- Past Simple Neg
- Past Simple Questions
5. Past Progresive Tense
- Past Progresive (pos)
- Past Progresive Neg
- Past Progresive Questions
6. Simple Past & Past Continuous
- Past Simple & Past Continuous-1
- Past simple & Past Progresive Pos
- Past simple & Past Progresive Neg
- Past simple & Past Progresive Questions
7. Past & Progresive in one sentence
- Past & Progresive (pos)
- Past & Progresive Neg
- Past & Progresive Questions
8. Present Perfect/ Perfekt der Gegenwart
- Present Prefect Eplanation 1
- Present Perfect Explanation 2
- Past & Present Perfect Exercise 2
- Yet, Still, Already & Just in present perfect
- Yet, Since & For
- Yet & Until
9. Perfect Progresive
- Progresive (pos)
- Progresive Neg
- Progresive Questions
10. Simple Perfect & Perfect Progresive
- Simple Perfect & Perfect Progresive Pos
- Simple Perfect & Perfect Progresive Neg
- Simple Perfect & Perfect Progresive Questions
Mixed Exercises
11. Mixed Exercises (simple)
- Simple Present & Past 1
- Simple Present & Simple Past Exercises-Negative-1
- Simple Present & Past & Perfect 1
- Simple Present & Past & Perfect 2
- Past & Present Simple 1
- Past & Perfect | Exercise 1
- Past & Present Perfect Exercise 1
- Past & Present Perfect Exercise-2
- Past & Perfect | Neg 1
13. Mixed Exercises (Simple & Progressive tenses)
- Simple & Progressive Tense 1
- Simple Present & Present Continuous Exercises 1
- Present Simple Present Continuous Exercise 1
- Present | Simple Present Continuous Exercise 2
- Present | Simple Present Continuous Exercises 3
- Present | Simple & Continuous Exercises 3
- Present & Past & Perfect | Simple & Continuous
- Present Progressive & Past Progressive exercises 1
- Present Progressive & Past Progressive exercises 2
- Present, Past, Perfect 1(1st Present, then past, then perfect)
- Present, Past, Perfect 2 (Present, past, perfect exercises mixed up)
- Present, Past, Perfect Progressive 1
- Present, Past, Perfect Progressive 2
- Present Past Perfect Mixed Exercises 1
14. Past Perfect Tenses/ Vergangenheit Perfekt Zeiten
Future/ Zukunft
15.1. Future/ Zukunft (you will be redirected/ Sie werden weitergeleitet)
- Will & Going to
- Will & Going to Exercises
- Will, Going to & Present Continuous Exercises
- Will, Going to, Simple Present & Present Continuous Exercises
- Will, Going to, Simple Present & Present Continuous Exercises-2
15.2 Going to future
15.3 Present Progressive with future meaning
16. Modal Verbs
- Must & Have Exercise 1
- Must & Have Exercise 2
- Mustn't/ Don't have to
- Modals of Obligation
17. Modifiers/ Modifikatoren
- Adjectives
- Adverbs
18. Verb Forms (Gerunds and Infinitives)
- Gerunds and Infinitives Exercise-1
- Gerunds and Infinitives Exercise-2
- Gerunds and Infinitives Exercise-3
19. Verb Usage/ Verwendung von Verben
- Make & Do Explanation
- Make-Do-Have-Take
- Make & Do Exercises
- Make & Do Exercise 1
- Make & Do Exercises 2
- Take & Have Explanation
- Take & Have
- Bring & Take Explanation
- Bring & Take Exercises
20. Conditionals/ Konditionale
21. Get & Become (you will be redirected/ Sie werden weitergeleitet)
22. Prepositions
- Prepositions of Time 1
- Prepositions of Time 2
- Prepositions of Time in, at, on
- Prepositions of Place in, at, on
- Prepositions of Place-1
- Prepositions of Place 2
- Prepositions of Place-3
- Prepositions - Complex Prepositions
23. Finance
- Finance | Simple prepositions (you will be redirected/ Sie werden weitergeleitet)
- Finance | Simple prepositions with German translation (you will be redirected/ Sie werden weitergeleitet)
24. English Prefixes
- Prefixes
- English Prefixes (Explanation)
- Prefixes Indicating Negation or Opposition
- Prefixes Indicating Position or Direction
- Prefixes Indicating Size or Degree
- Prefixes Indicating Numbers
- Prefixes Indicating Time
- Prefixes Indicating Science and Nature
- Prefixes Indicating Relation or Quality
- Prefixes Indicating Medical or Biological Terms
- Prefixes for Enhancement or Reduction
- Prefixes Other Common
- Prefixes Less Common or Specialized
- Prefixes Rare or Specialized
25. Few/ Few of
26. Other
27. Other Mixed Grammar Exercises
- Mixed Grammar Exercises-1 - Continuous Tenses
- Mixed Grammar Exercises-2 - Continuous Tenses
28. Vocabulary & Quizzes (you will be redirected/ Sie werden weitergeleitet)
- Gardening (you will be redirected/ Sie werden weitergeleitet)
- Gardening Vocabulary-5
- Winter Garden
- Spring Garden
- Summer Garden
- Autumn Garden
- English Herbs
- Englisch Kräuter
- Englischer Gärten
- Gardening Vocabulary
- Vocabulary - Solar Energy - List
29. Music & Singing (you will be redirected/ Sie werden weitergeleitet)
30. Places + Holiday English / Urlaubsenglisch | (you will be redirected/ Sie werden weitergeleitet)
- Urlaubsenglisch Schloss Neuschwanstein - Exercises
- Urlaubsenglisch Zugspitze - Exercises
- Santiago de Compostela - Exercises
- Tatragebirge -Exercises
- Urlaubsenglisch - Allgemein - Sentences
31. Other (you will be redirected/ Sie werden weitergeleitet)
- Household Vocabulary
- English Vocabulary | Children-1
- English Vocabulary | Children-2
- Vocabulary-1
- Business Vocabulary (you will be redirected/ Sie werden weitergeleitet)