
Present​ Simple / Einfaches Präsens

  1. Simple Present​ (Fact & Habit)
  2. Present - Permanent & Non Permanent Situations
  3. Present Progressive Pos
  4. Present Progressive Neg
  5. Present Progressive Questions

2 . Present Progressive/ Continuous

  1. Present Progressive Pos
  2. Present Progressive Neg
  3. Present Progressive Questions

3. Mixed Present Progressive exercises

  1. Simple Present & Present Progressive
  2. Simple Present & Present Progressive 2

​4. Past Simple

  1. Past Simple Pos
  2. Past Simple Neg
  3. Past Simple Questions

​5. Past Progresive Tense

  1. Past Progresive (pos)
  2. Past Progresive Neg
  3. Past Progresive Questions

6. Simple Past & Past Continuous

  1. Past Simple & Past Continuous-1
  2. Past simple & Past Progresive Pos
  3. Past simple & Past Progresive Neg
  4. Past simple & Past Progresive Questions

7. Past & Progresive in one sentence

  1. Past & Progresive (pos)
  2. Past & Progresive Neg
  3. Past & Progresive Questions

8. Present Perfect/ Perfekt der Gegenwart​​

  1. Past & Present Perfect Exercise 2
  2. Yet, Still, Already & Just in present perfect
  3. Yet, Since & For
  4. Yet & Until

9.  Perfect Progresive

  1. Progresive (pos)
  2. Progresive Neg
  3. Progresive Questions

10.  Simple Perfect & Perfect Progresive

  1. Simple Perfect & Perfect Progresive Pos
  2. Simple Perfect & Perfect Progresive Neg
  3. Simple Perfect & Perfect Progresive Questions


Mixed Exercises

11. Mixed Exercises (simple)

  1. Simple Present & Past 1
  2. Simple Present & Simple Past Exercises-Negative-1
  3. Simple Present & Past & Perfect 1
  4. Simple Present & Past & Perfect 2
  5. Past Present Simple 1 
  6. Past & Perfect | Exercise 1
  7. Past & Present Perfect Exercise 1 ​
  8. Past & Present Perfect Exercise-2
  9. Past & Perfect | Neg 1

13. Mixed Exercises (Simple & Progressive tenses)

  1. Simple & Progressive Tense 1
  2. Simple Present & Present Continuous Exercises 1 
  3. Present Simple  Present Continuous Exercise 1
  4. Present | Simple  Present Continuous Exercise 2
  5. Present | Simple Present Continuous Exercises 3
  6. Present | Simple & Continuous Exercises 3
  7. Present & Past & Perfect | Simple & Continuous
  8. Present Progressive & Past Progressive exercises 1
  9. Present Progressive & Past Progressive exercises 2
  10. Present, Past, Perfect 1(1st Present, then past, then perfect)
  11. Present, Past, Perfect 2 (Present, past, perfect exercises mixed up)
  12. Present, Past, Perfect Progressive 1
  13. Present, Past, Perfect Progressive 2
  14. Present Past Perfect Mixed Exercises 1

14. Past Perfect Tenses/ Vergangenheit Perfekt Zeiten

  1. Past Perfect Exercises
  2. Past Perfect & Conditional 3
  3. Past & Past Perfect Exercises


Future/ Zukunft 

15.1. Future/ Zukunft (you will be redirected/ Sie werden weitergeleitet)

  1. Will & Going to
  2. Will & Going to Exercises
  3. Will, Going to & Present Continuous Exercises
  4. Will, Going to, Simple Present & Present Continuous Exercises
  5. Will, Going to, Simple Present & Present Continuous Exercises-2

15.2 Going to future

15.3 Present Progressive with future meaning


16. Modal Verbs

  1. Must & Have Exercise 1
  2. Must & Have Exercise 2
  3. Mustn't/ Don't have to 
  4. Modals of Obligation

17. Modifiers/ Modifikatoren

18. Verb Forms (Gerunds and Infinitives)

19. Verb Usage/ Verwendung von Verben

20. Conditionals/ Konditionale

  1. Zero, 1st & 2nd conditional
  2. If will | If would
  3. Conditional 1 & 2
  4. Conditionals All


21. Get & Become (you will be redirected/ Sie werden weitergeleitet)

  1. Get exercises-1
  2. Get exercises-2
  3. Become exercises-1
  4. Become exercises-2

22. Prepositions

  1. Prepositions of Time 1
  2. Prepositions of Time 2
  3. Prepositions of Time in, at, on
  4. Prepositions of Place in, at, on
  5. Prepositions of Place-1
  6. Prepositions of Place 2
  7. Prepositions of Place-3
  8. Prepositions - Complex Prepositions

23. Finance

  1. Finance | Simple prepositions (you will be redirected/ Sie werden weitergeleitet)
  2. Finance | Simple prepositions with German translation (you will be redirected/ Sie werden weitergeleitet)

24. English Prefixes

  1. Prefixes
  2. English Prefixes (Explanation)
  3. Prefixes Indicating Negation or Opposition
  4. Prefixes Indicating Position or Direction
  5. Prefixes Indicating Size or Degree
  6. Prefixes Indicating Numbers
  7. Prefixes Indicating Time
  8. Prefixes Indicating Science and Nature
  9. Prefixes Indicating Relation or Quality
  10. Prefixes Indicating Medical or Biological Terms
  11. Prefixes for Enhancement or Reduction
  12. Prefixes Other Common
  13. Prefixes Less Common or Specialized
  14. Prefixes Rare or Specialized

25. Few/ Few of

  1. Few/ Few of

26. Other

  1. Exclamation Exercises
  2. Englisch Grammatik Übungen
  3. Englisch Grammatik Übungen-2

​27. Other Mixed Grammar Exercises

  1. Mixed Grammar Exercises-1 - Continuous Tenses
  2. Mixed Grammar Exercises-2 - Continuous Tenses

28. ​Vocabulary & Quizzes (you will be redirected/ Sie werden weitergeleitet)

  1. Gardening (you will be redirected/ Sie werden weitergeleitet)
  2. ​​Gardening Vocabulary-5
  3. Winter Garden
  4. Spring Garden
  5. Summer Garden
  6. Autumn Garden
  7. English Herbs
  8. Englisch Kräuter
  9. Englischer Gärten
  10. Gardening Vocabulary
  11. Vocabulary - Solar Energy - List

29. Music & Singing (you will be redirected/ Sie werden weitergeleitet)

  1. Singer Quiz-1
  2. Song Quiz 1
  3. Taylor Swift Quiz 1
  4. Musik-Quiz Komponisten-2

30. Places + Holiday English / Urlaubsenglisch | (you will be redirected/ Sie werden weitergeleitet)

  1. Urlaubsenglisch Schloss Neuschwanstein - Exercises
  2. Urlaubsenglisch Zugspitze - Exercises
  3. Santiago de Compostela - Exercises
  4. Tatragebirge -Exercises
  5. Urlaubsenglisch - Allgemein - Sentences

​31. Other (you will be redirected/ Sie werden weitergeleitet)

  1. Household Vocabulary
  2. English Vocabulary | Children-1
  3. English Vocabulary | Children-2
  4. Vocabulary-1
  5. Business Vocabulary (you will be redirected/ Sie werden weitergeleitet)
  1. Perfect Tenses-Explanation 2

