The Body-1

The Body-1

The Body-1 | Sprachschule Münster

The Body-1

Medical Specialties Practice Exercise

1. He wore a helmet to protect his ______.
a) hand (Hand)
b) head (Kopf)
c) foot (Fuß)

2. The ______ is the control center of the body.
a) lung (Lunge)
b) heart (Herz)
c) brain (Gehirn)

3. The ______ protects the brain.
a) skull (Schädel)
b) rib (Rippe)
c) shoulder (Schulter)

4. She has a smile on her ______.
a) face (Gesicht)
b) foot (Fuß)
c) hair (Haar)

5. The colour of his ______ is blue.
a) ears (Ohr)
b) eyes (Auge)
c) fingers (Finger)

6. She whispered in his ______.
a) knee (Knie)
b) ear (Ohr)
c) hand (Hand)

7. He has a sharp ______.
a) nose (Nase)
b) toe (Zeh)
c) back (Rücken)

8. Open your ______ wide.
a) hair (Haar)
b) nose (Nase)
c) mouth (Mund)

9. She applied lipstick to her ______.
a) lips (Lippe)
b) teeth (Zahn)
c) finger (Finger)

10. He brushes his ______ after every meal.
a) rib (Rippe)
b) teeth (Zahn)
c) tongue (Zunge)

11. She burned her ______ on hot tea.
a) tongue (Zunge)
b) nose (Nase)
c) ear (Ohr)

12. He had a sore ______.
a) head (Kopf)
b) throat (Hals)
c) hand (Hand)

13. She wore a scarf around her ______.
a) foot (Fuß)
b) neck (Nacken)
c) heart (Herz)

14. He carried the bag over his ______.
a) chest (Brust)
b) leg (Bein)
c) shoulder (Schulter)

15. He broke his ______ playing football.
a) foot (Fuß)
b) arm (Arm)
c) hair (Haar)

16. She leaned on her ______.
a) elbow (Ellbogen)
b) rib (Rippe)
c) toe (Zeh)

17. He has a tattoo on his ______.
a) forearm (Unterarm)
b) knee (Knie)
c) heart (Herz)

18. She wore a watch on her ______.
a) rib (Rippe)
b) wrist (Handgelenk)
c) spine (Wirbelsäule)

19. He shook ______ with the visitor.
a) knee (Knie)
b) hands (Hände)
c) eye (Auge)

20. She wore a ring on her ______.
a) neck (Nacken)
b) finger (Finger)
c) back (Rücken)

21. He gave a ______.
a) head (Kopf)
b) thumbs-up (Daumen-hoch)
c) toe (Zeh)

22. He felt pain in his ______.
a) chest (Brust)
b) leg (Bein)
c) back (Rücken)

23. The baby was fed from the mother's ______.
a) arm (Arm)
b) breast (Brust)
c) foot (Fuß)

24. He broke a ______ in the accident.
a) rib (Rippe)
b) ear (Ohr)
c) nail (Nagel)

25. The ______ pumps blood throughout the body.
a) heart (Herz)
b) chest (Brust)
c) knee (Knie)

26. Smoking damages the ______.
a) foot (Fuß)
b) diaphragm (Zwerchfell)
c) lung (Lunge)

27. The ______ helps with breathing.
a) diaphragm (Zwerchfell)
b) hand (Hand)
c) hip (Hüfte)

28. He had pain in his ______.
a) hair (Haar)
b) tongue (Zunge)
c) abdomen (Bauch)

29. She swayed her ______ to the music.
a) heart (Herz)
b) hip (Hüfte)
c) lung (Lunge)

30.She swayed her ______ to the music.
a) heart (Herz)
b) hip (Hüfte)
c) lung (Lunge)

31. He felt a pain in his ______.
a) brain (Gehirn)
b) arm (Arm)
c) back (Rücken)

32. She wore a necklace around her ______.
a) knee (Knie)
b) neck (Nacken)
c) elbow (Ellbogen)

33. He felt pain in his ______.
a) lung (Lunge)
b) hand (Hand)
c) leg (Bein)

34. She felt the sand between her ______.
a) toes (Zehen)
b) fingers (Finger)
c) ribs (Rippen)

35. He tied his shoes with ______.
a) wires (Drähte)
b) laces (Schnürsenkel)
c) strings (Saiten)

36. She felt the sand between her ______.
a) toes (Zehen)
b) fingers (Finger)
c) ribs (Rippen)

37. He tied his shoes with ______.
a) wires (Drähte)
b) laces (Schnürsenkel)
c) strings (Saiten)

38. He had a bandage around his ______.
a) waist (Taille)
b) wrist (Handgelenk)
c) ankle (Knöchel)

39. She brushed her ______ before bed.
a) hair (Haar)
b) nail (Nagel)
c) skin (Haut)

40. He got a ______ on his knee.
a) bruise (Prellung)
b) bump (Beule)
c) burn (Verbrennung)

41. She put on her ______ before going outside.
a) jacket (Jacke)
b) glove (Handschuh)
c) scarf (Schal)

42. He rubbed his ______ when it was sore.
a) shoulder (Schulter)
b) chin (Kinn)
c) forehead (Stirn)

43. She tied her hair with a ______.
a) band (Band)
b) string (Schnur)
c) belt (Gürtel)

44. He got a ______ on his finger.
a) splinter (Splitter)
b) cut (Schnitt)
c) scrape (Kratzer)

45. She scratched her ______ with a pencil.
a) arm (Arm)
b) finger (Finger)
c) leg (Bein)

46. He twisted his ______ playing soccer.
a) ankle (Knöchel)
b) knee (Knie)
c) wrist (Handgelenk)

47. She put on her ______ to swim.
a) swimsuit (Badeanzug)
b) coat (Mantel)
c) hat (Hut)

48. He got a ______ on his foot from walking.
a) blister (Blase)
b) bruise (Prellung)
c) cut (Schnitt)

49. She put a ______ on her finger to stop the bleeding.
a) bandage (Verband)
b) cast (Gips)
c) sling (Schlinge)

50. He wore a ______ to protect his eyes.
a) glasses (Brille)
b) goggles (Schutzbrille)
c) mask (Maske)

The Body-1

The Body-1

The Body-1 | Sprachschule Münster