The Body-3

The Body-3

The Body-3 | Sprachschule Münster

The Body-3

The Body 3

Body Parts Practice Exercise

1. She touched her ______ to feel the temperature. It felt warmer than usual.
a) cheek (Wange)
b) toe (Zeh)
c) forehead (Stirn)

2. He had a bruise on his ______ after bumping into the door. It was blue and swollen.
a) eyebrow (Augenbraue)
b) shin (Schienbein)
c) shoulder (Schulter)

3. The baby grabbed her ______ with tiny hands. She giggled as the baby squeezed gently.
a) elbow (Ellbogen)
b) fingertip (Fingerspitze)
c) knee (Knie)

4. He felt pain in his ______ after chewing gum all day. The soreness spread to his ears.
a) wrist (Handgelenk)
b) jaw (Kiefer)
c) shoulder blade (Schulterblatt)

5. The sunglasses rested comfortably on her ______. They left light marks on her skin.
a) wrist (Handgelenk)
b) calf (Wade)
c) nose (Nase)

6. He scratched his itchy ______. The itch subsided after a few minutes.
a) calf (Wade)
b) fingernail (Fingernagel)
c) chin (Kinn)

7. She felt a tickle in her ______ when the doctor looked inside. It made her laugh.
a) ear canal (Gehörgang)
b) wrist (Handgelenk)
c) ankle (Knöchel)

8. He injured his ______ while playing tennis. It swelled quickly, requiring an ice pack.
a) elbow (Ellbogen)
b) forehead (Stirn)
c) knuckle (Knöchel)

9. She felt a strange sensation in her ______. The tingling persisted for several minutes.
a) nose (Nase)
b) body (Körper)
c) eardrum (Trommelfell)

10. He leaned his ______ against the wall while thinking. The cool surface felt soothing.
a) head (Kopf)
b) shoulder blade (Schulterblatt)
c) knuckle (Knöchel)

11. She wore a bracelet on her ______. It jingled softly as she moved.
a) knuckle (Knöchel)
b) wrist (Handgelenk)
c) shin (Schienbein)

12. He felt a sharp pain in his ______ when he coughed. The pain made him wince.
a) elbow (Ellbogen)
b) rib (Rippe)
c) knee (Knie)

13. She adjusted her scarf around her ______. The fabric felt soft and warm.
a) collarbone (Schlüsselbein)
b) eyelash (Wimper)
c) ankle (Knöchel)

14. He rubbed his aching ______ after lifting heavy boxes. The pain lessened after resting.
a) wrist (Handgelenk)
b) shoulder blade (Schulterblatt)
c) fingertip (Fingerspitze)

15. She applied lotion to her dry ______. The skin felt smoother after moisturizing.
a) elbow (Ellbogen)
b) nose (Nase)
c) heel (Ferse)

16. He twisted his ______ while running. The sudden pain made him stop instantly.
a) cheek (Wange)
b) ankle (Knöchel)
c) nostril (Nasenloch)

17. She put makeup on her ______. The light shimmer added to her look.
a) wrist (Handgelenk)
b) heel (Ferse)
c) eyelid (Augenlid)

18. He felt a tickling sensation in his ______. The sensation caused him to sneeze.
a) nostril (Nasenloch)
b) shin (Schienbein)
c) eardrum (Trommelfell)

19. She accidentally hit her ______ against the table. The pain made her yelp.
a) shoulder (Schulter)
b) knuckle (Knöchel)
c) chin (Kinn)

20. He stretched to relieve tension in his ______. The stretch helped ease the discomfort.
a) nostril (Nasenloch)
b) calf (Wade)
c) spine (Wirbelsäule)

The Body-3

The Body-3

The Body-1 | Sprachschule Münster