The Body-4

The Body-4

The Body-4 | Sprachschule Münster

The Body-4

The Body 4

Body Parts and Organs Practice Exercise

1. The doctor examined her ______ for signs of infection. She complained of headaches and nasal congestion.
a) larynx (Kehlkopf)
b) sinus (Nasennebenhöhle)
c) trachea (Luftröhre)

2. He felt pain in his ______ after a long run. His leg muscles were tight and sore.
a) calf (Wade)
b) shin (Schienbein)
c) thigh (Oberschenkel)

3. The surgeon operated on her ______ to improve breathing. She had been experiencing chronic shortness of breath.
a) larynx (Kehlkopf)
b) trachea (Luftröhre)
c) diaphragm (Zwerchfell)

4. He held his ______ after slipping on the ice. He could barely walk due to the intense pain.
a) pelvis (Becken)
b) hip (Hüfte)
c) thigh (Oberschenkel)

5. She could feel the food moving down her ______. Swallowing felt difficult and slightly painful.
a) trachea (Luftröhre)
b) esophagus (Speiseröhre)
c) larynx (Kehlkopf)

6. He pressed his ______ against the door to push it open. The heavy door required a lot of force.
a) wrist (Handgelenk)
b) elbow (Ellbogen)
c) knuckle (Knöchel)

7. She felt her ______ expand as she took a deep breath. The fresh air filled her lungs.
a) diaphragm (Zwerchfell)
b) lung (Lunge)
c) heart (Herz)

8. He injured his ______ while running downhill. His foot twisted awkwardly.
a) shin (Schienbein)
b) ankle (Knöchel)
c) heel (Ferse)

9. She placed her hand over her ______ to feel its steady rhythm. It was beating faster after her workout.
a) stomach (Magen)
b) liver (Leber)
c) heart (Herz)

10. He rested his hands on his ______ while stretching. The muscles felt tight but gradually loosened.
a) calf (Wade)
b) thigh (Oberschenkel)
c) shin (Schienbein)

11. The disease affected his ______, causing difficulty breathing. He was prescribed medication to help with his symptoms.
a) pancreas (Bauchspeicheldrüe)
b) lung (Lunge)
c) spleen (Milz)

12. He felt a sharp pain in his ______ after drinking too much water. The discomfort made him rush to the bathroom.
a) kidney (Niere)
b) bladder (Blase)
c) urethra (Harnröhre)

13. The boxer landed a punch near his opponent’s ______. His hand throbbed after the impact.
a) wrist (Handgelenk)
b) fingertip (Fingerspitze)
c) knuckle (Knöchel)

14. The patient reported pain in the lower part of their ______. Bending over made the discomfort worse.
a) spine (Wirbelsäule)
b) pelvis (Becken)
c) hip (Hüfte)

15. She felt discomfort in her ______ after eating spicy food. The burning sensation lasted for an hour.
a) intestine (Darm)
b) stomach (Magen)
c) liver (Leber)

16. The child poked his ______ into the cake frosting. The sweet frosting stuck to his finger.
a) knuckle (Knöchel)
b) fingertip (Fingerspitze)
c) wrist (Handgelenk)

17. The injury affected her ______, making it difficult to stand. She limped for the rest of the day.
a) heel (Ferse)
b) calf (Wade)
c) shin (Schienbein)

18. He felt sharp pain in his ______ when climbing the stairs. The pain worsened with each step.
a) spleen (Milz)
b) pancreas (Bauchspeicheldrüe)
c) diaphragm (Zwerchfell)

19. She felt a dull ache in her ______ during the cold weather. The pain was relieved with a warm compress.
a) kidney (Niere)
b) bladder (Blase)
c) liver (Leber)

20. The infection spread to the ______, causing discomfort when urinating. The doctor recommended a course of antibiotics.
a) bladder (Blase)
b) urethra (Harnröhre)
c) kidney (Niere)

The Body-4

The Body-4

The Body-4 | Sprachschule Münster