The Heart 2
The Heart 2 | Sprachschule Münster
Herbal Benefits Exercise
1. Stevia (Stevia) is good for the ______ and helps manage blood sugar levels.
a) Leber (liver)
b) Herz (heart)
c) Lunge (lungs)
2. Angelica (Engelwurz) can be used to relieve ______ and improve circulation.
digestive problems
a) Kopfschmerzen (headaches)
b) Verdauungsprobleme (digestive problems)
c) Muskelschmerzen (muscle pain)
3. Basil (Basilikum) is great for reducing ______ and enhancing the flavor of Italian dishes.
a) Stress (stress)
b) Fieber (fever)
c) Entzündungen (inflammation)
4. Parsley (Petersilie) can help freshen your breath and is rich in vitamins ______ and C.
a) A
b) B
c) D
5. Coriander (Koriander) is known for detoxifying ______ from the body.
heavy metals
a) Giftstoffe (toxins)
b) Schwermetalle (heavy metals)
c) Bakterien (bacteria)
6. Thyme (Thymian) can boost your ______ and fight respiratory infections.
immune system
a) Immunsystem (immune system)
b) Energieniveau (energy levels)
c) Verdauung (digestion)
7. Rosemary (Rosmarin) is good for improving ______ and concentration.
a) Gedächtnis (memory)
b) Schlaf (sleep)
c) Appetit (appetite)
8. Sage (Salbei) can soothe a ______ and is often used in teas.
sore throat
a) Kopfschmerzen (headache)
b) Halsschmerzen (sore throat)
c) Magenschmerzen (stomach ache)
9. Oregano (Oregano) is a powerful ______ and helps fight bacterial infections.
a) Antioxidans (antioxidant)
b) Beruhigungsmittel (sedative)
c) Stimulans (stimulant)
10. Mint (Minze) can ease ______ and reduce nausea.
digestive issues
a) Verdauungsprobleme (digestive issues)
b) Kopfschmerzen (headaches)
c) Gelenkschmerzen (joint pain)
11. Dill (Dill) can help regulate ______ and relieve bloating.
a) Verdauung (digestion)
b) Blutdruck (blood pressure)
c) Schlaf (sleep)
12. Tarragon (Estragon) is good for stimulating ______ and improving digestion.
a) Appetit (appetite)
b) Energie (energy)
c) Durchblutung (circulation)
13. Chives (Schnittlauch) are a source of vitamin ______ and support bone health.
a) K
b) C
c) B12
14. Marjoram (Majoran) can help reduce ______ and improve sleep.
a) Angst (anxiety)
b) Entzündungen (inflammation)
c) Fieber (fever)
15. Bay leaves (Lorbeerblätter) can add flavor to soups and support a healthy ______.
immune system
a) Immunsystem (immune system)
b) Verdauungssystem (digestive system)
c) Nervensystem (nervous system)
16. Fennel (Fenchel) is good for reducing ______ and improving digestion.
a) Blähungen (bloating)
b) Stress (stress)
c) Kopfschmerzen (headaches)
17. Lemongrass (Zitronengras) can relieve ______ and is often used in herbal teas.
a) Stress (stress)
b) Schmerzen (pain)
c) Müdigkeit (fatigue)
18. Lovage (Liebstöckel) is excellent for ______ health and helps with water retention.
a) Nieren (kidney)
b) Leber (liver)
c) Herz (heart)
19. Sorrel (Sauerampfer) is high in vitamin ______ and adds a tangy flavor to salads.
a) C
b) A
c) K
20. Chamomile (Kamille) can promote better ______ and reduce anxiety.
a) Schlaf (sleep)
b) Verdauung (digestion)
c) Konzentration (focus)
21. Lavender (Lavendel) is calming for the ______ and can be used to relieve headaches.
a) Geist (mind)
b) Körper (body)
c) Magen (stomach)
22. Catnip (Katzenminze) can help calm ______ and can also ease human anxiety.
a) Katzen (cats)
b) Hunde (dogs)
c) Vögel (birds)
23. Curry leaves (Curryblätter) are rich in ______ and support healthy hair growth.
a) Antioxidantien (antioxidants)
b) Proteine (proteins)
c) Fette (fats)
24. Lemon balm (Zitronenmelisse) can reduce ______ and improve mood.
a) Stress (stress)
b) Schmerzen (pain)
c) Müdigkeit (fatigue)
25. Holy Basil (Tulsi) (Heiliges Basilikum) is good for ______ health and boosting immunity.
a) Atmung (respiratory)
b) Verdauung (digestion)
c) Herz-Kreislauf (cardiovascular)
36. Watercress (Brunnenkresse) is packed with vitamins and supports overall ______.
a) health (Gesundheit)
b) energy (Energie)
c) digestion (Verdauung)
37. Arugula (Rucola) is rich in antioxidants and adds a ______ flavor to salads.
a) peppery (pfeffrig)
b) sweet (süß)
c) bitter (bitter)
38. Epazote (Epazote) is used in Mexican cuisine and helps reduce ______ from beans.
a) gas (Blähungen)
b) inflammation (Entzündung)
c) pain (Schmerzen)
39. Nettle (Brennnessel) is good for relieving ______ and is rich in iron.
a) allergies (Allergien)
b) headaches (Kopfschmerzen)
c) stress (Stress)
40. Plantain (Wegerich) can soothe insect bites and heal ______.
a) wounds (Wunden)
b) burns (Verbrennungen)
c) rashes (Hautausschläge)
41. Yarrow (Schafgarbe) is excellent for stopping bleeding and reducing ______.
a) inflammation (Entzündung)
b) pain (Schmerzen)
c) fever (Fieber)
42. Elderflower (Holunderblüte) can relieve colds and boost the ______.
immune system
a) immune system (Immunsystem)
b) digestive system (Verdauungssystem)
c) nervous system (Nervensystem)
43. Calendula (Ringelblume) can soothe skin irritations and promote ______ healing.
a) wound (Wunde)
b) bone (Knochen)
c) muscle (Muskel)
44. St. John’s Wort (Johanniskraut) can reduce ______ and improve mood.
a) depression (Depression)
b) anxiety (Angst)
c) stress (Stress)
45. Mugwort (Beifuß) can enhance dreams and support ______ health.
a) digestive (Verdauung)
b) respiratory (Atemwege)
c) cardiovascular (Herz-Kreislauf)
46. Comfrey (Beinwell) can help heal wounds and reduce ______.
a) inflammation (Entzündung)
b) pain (Schmerzen)
c) fever (Fieber)
47. Horehound (Andorn) is good for coughs and soothing sore ______.
a) throats (Hals)
b) stomachs (Magen)
c) heads (Kopf)
48. Elecampane (Alant) can clear mucus and improve ______ health.
a) lung (Lunge)
b) liver (Leber)
c) kidney (Niere)
49. Boneset (Wasserhanf) can reduce fever and support the ______.
immune system
a) immune system (Immunsystem)
b) digestive system (Verdauungssystem)
c) nervous system (Nervensystem)
50. Milk thistle (Mariendistel) supports liver health and detoxifies the ______.
a) body (Körper)
b) blood (Blut)
c) skin (Haut)