The Heart 2

The Heart 2

The Heart 2 | Sprachschule Münster

Key Features:

  1. First Sentence:

    • Includes a time indicator (e.g., "Right now," "In the 1980s," "For years") to clarify the tense.

    • Example: "Right now people are recycling plastics more than before."

  2. Tense Indicators:

    • Present Progressive: "Right now," "At this moment."

    • Past Progressive: "In the 1980s," "20 years ago."

    • Perfect Progressive: "For years," "For decades."

      • "Recently (kürzlich, vor kurzem, in letzte Zeit, letztens, )".

Progressive Tenses Quiz

Progressive Tenses Quiz

Practice Present, Past, and Perfect Progressive Tenses

Click on the blanks to reveal the correct answers.

1. Right now people ______ plastics more than before.
a) are recycling (recyceln gerade)
b) were recycling (recycelten)
c) have been recycling (haben recycelt)

2. Scientists ______ plastic alternatives for years. They must have started in the 70s.
a) are studying (studieren gerade)
b) were studying (studierten)
c) have been studying (haben studiert)

3. In the 1980s factories ______ large amounts of plastic.
a) are producing (produzieren gerade)
b) were producing (produzierten)
c) have been producing (haben produziert)

4. At this moment governments ______ single-use plastics in many places.
a) are banning (verbieten gerade)
b) were banning (verboten)
c) have been banning (haben verboten)

5. Before cleanup initiatives started, beaches ______ covered in plastic waste.
a) are getting (werden gerade)
b) were getting (wurden)
c) have been getting (sind geworden)

6. For years researchers ______ microplastics in water samples.
a) are finding (finden gerade)
b) were finding (fanden)
c) have been finding (haben gefunden)

7. Last year communities ______ events to reduce plastic use.
a) are organizing (organisieren gerade)
b) were organizing (organisierten)
c) have been organizing (haben organisiert)

8. Recently companies ______ biodegradable plastics.
a) are developing (entwickeln gerade)
b) were developing (entwickelten)
c) have been developing (haben entwickelt)

9. Decades ago scientists ______ about plastic pollution.
a) are warning (warnen gerade)
b) were warning (warnten)
c) have been warning (haben gewarnt)

10. For years marine animals ______ plastics.
a) are ingesting (nehmen gerade auf)
b) were ingesting (nahmen auf)
c) have been ingesting (haben aufgenommen)

11. Right now schools ______ students about plastic waste.
a) are teaching (lehren gerade)
b) were teaching (lehrten)
c) have been teaching (haben gelehrt)

12. At this moment the ocean ______ polluted with plastic waste.
a) is becoming (wird gerade)
b) was becoming (wurde)
c) has been becoming (ist geworden)

13. Right now researchers ______ on alternatives to plastic.
a) are working (arbeiten gerade)
b) were working (arbeiteten)
c) have been working (haben gearbeitet)

14. These days consumers ______ reusable bags.
a) are choosing (wählen gerade)
b) were choosing (wählten)
c) have been choosing (haben gewählt)

15. 20 years ago people ______ plastics away carelessly.
a) are throwing (werfen gerade)
b) were throwing (warfen)
c) have been throwing (haben geworfen)

16. For years communities ______ beach cleanups every summer.
a) are organizing (organisieren gerade)
b) were organizing (organisierten)
c) have been organizing (haben organisiert)

17. Right now factories ______ biodegradable plastics.
a) are producing (produzieren gerade)
b) were producing (produzierten)
c) have been producing (haben produziert)

18. Every day fishermen ______ plastics in their nets.
a) are finding (finden gerade)
b) were finding (fanden)
c) have been finding (haben gefunden)

19. For years environmentalists ______ against plastic straws.
a) are campaigning (kämpfen gerade)
b) were campaigning (kämpften)
c) have been campaigning (haben gekämpft)

20. For decades the environment ______ from plastic pollution.
a) is suffering (leidet gerade)
b) was suffering (litt)
c) has been suffering (hat gelitten)

21. Right now people ______ reusable water bottles more often.
a) are using (verwenden gerade)
b) were using (verwendeten)
c) have been using (haben verwendet)

22. Last year scientists ______ new methods for breaking down plastics.
a) are testing (testen gerade)
b) were testing (testeten)
c) have been testing (haben getestet)

23. For years communities ______ awareness about reducing plastic waste.
a) are spreading (verbreiten gerade)
b) were spreading (verbreiteten)
c) have been spreading (haben verbreitet)

24. Right now researchers ______ how plastics impact soil health.
a) are analyzing (analysieren gerade)
b) were analyzing (analysierten)
c) have been analyzing (haben analysiert)

25. Before stricter laws were passed, governments ______ recycling programs.
a) are encouraging (ermutigen gerade)
b) were encouraging (ermutigten)
c) have been encouraging (haben ermutigt)

26. Right now fishermen ______ plastic pollution in deeper parts of the ocean.
a) are finding (finden gerade)
b) were finding (fanden)
c) have been finding (haben gefunden)

27. Recently companies ______ plastic straws in their restaurants.
a) are phasing out (beenden gerade)
b) were phasing out (beendeten)
c) have been phasing out (haben beendet)

28. Before regulations tightened, factories ______ plastic waste into rivers.
a) are discharging (leiten gerade ab)
b) were discharging (leiteten ab)
c) have been discharging (haben abgeleitet)

29. Right now activists ______ against single-use plastics in major cities.
a) are protesting (protestieren gerade)
b) were protesting (protestierten)
c) have been protesting (haben protestiert)

30. Recently consumers ______ to biodegradable products.
a) are switching (wechseln gerade)
b) were switching (wechselten)
c) have been switching (haben gewechselt)

31. Last month schools ______ workshops about plastic recycling.
a) are holding (halten gerade)
b) were holding (hielten)
c) have been holding (haben gehalten)

32. For years researchers ______ enzymes to break down plastics faster.
a) are developing (entwickeln gerade)
b) were developing (entwickelten)
c) have been developing (haben entwickelt)

33. Right now factories ______ more eco-friendly plastics.
a) are manufacturing (produzieren gerade)
b) were manufacturing (produzierten)
c) have been manufacturing (haben produziert)

34. A decade ago communities ______ with plastic waste management.
a) are struggling (kämpfen gerade)
b) were struggling (kämpften)
c) have been struggling (haben gekämpft)

35. For decades marine animals ______ from the effects of microplastics.
a) are suffering (leiden gerade)
b) were suffering (litten)
c) has been suffering (hat gelitten)

36. Right now people ______ to organizations that combat plastic pollution.
a) are donating (spenden gerade)
b) were donating (spendeten)
c) have been donating (haben gespendet)

37. Before the first biodegradable plastics appeared, scientists ______ plastic alternatives.
a) are researching (forschen gerade)
b) were researching (forschten)
c) had been researching (hatten geforscht)

38. Right now governments ______ stricter rules about plastic disposal.
a) are enforcing (durchsetzen gerade)
b) were enforcing (setzten durch)
c) have been enforcing (haben durchgesetzt)

39. Before automation, recycling centers ______ plastics more manually.
a) are sorting (sortieren gerade)
b) were sorting (sortierten)
c) have been sorting (haben sortiert)

40. For years conservationists ______ awareness campaigns to reduce single-use plastics.
a) are planting (pflanzen gerade)
b) were planting (pflanzten)
c) have been planting (haben gepflanzt)

41. Right now people ______ reusable water bottles more often.
a) are using (verwenden gerade)
b) were using (verwendeten)
c) have been using (haben verwendet)

42. Last year scientists ______ new methods for breaking down plastics.
a) are testing (testen gerade)
b) were testing (testeten)
c) have been testing (haben getestet)

43. For years communities ______ awareness about reducing plastic waste.
a) are spreading (verbreiten gerade)
b) were spreading (verbreiteten)
c) have been spreading (haben verbreitet)

44. Right now researchers ______ how plastics impact soil health.
a) are analyzing (analysieren gerade)
b) were analyzing (analysierten)
c) have been analyzing (haben analysiert)

45. Before stricter laws were passed, governments ______ recycling programs.
a) are encouraging (ermutigen gerade)
b) were encouraging (ermutigten)
c) have been encouraging (haben ermutigt)

46. Right now fishermen ______ plastic pollution in deeper parts of the ocean.
a) are finding (finden gerade)
b) were finding (fanden)
c) have been finding (haben gefunden)

47. Recently companies ______ plastic straws in their restaurants.
a) are phasing out (beenden gerade)
b) were phasing out (beendeten)
c) have been phasing out (haben beendet)

48. Before regulations tightened, factories ______ plastic waste into rivers.
a) are discharging (leiten gerade ab)
b) were discharging (leiteten ab)
c) have been discharging (haben abgeleitet)

49. Right now activists ______ against single-use plastics in major cities.
a) are protesting (protestieren gerade)
b) were protesting (protestierten)
c) have been protesting (haben protestiert)

50. Recently consumers ______ to biodegradable products.
a) are switching (wechseln gerade)
b) were switching (wechselten)
c) have been switching (haben gewechselt)

The Heart 2

The Heart 2

The Heart 2 | Sprachschule Münster