The Heart 2

The Heart 2

The Heart 2 | Sprachschule Münster

Key Features:

  1. First Sentence:

    • Includes a time indicator (e.g., "Right now," "In the 1980s," "For years") to clarify the tense.

    • Example: "Right now people are recycling plastics more than before."

  2. Tense Indicators:

    • Present Progressive: "Right now," "At this moment."

    • Past Progressive: "In the 1980s," "20 years ago."

    • Perfect Progressive: "For years," "For decades."

      • "Recently (kürzlich, vor kurzem, in letzte Zeit, letztens, )".

Simple Present, Past, Perfect 1

Simple Present, Past, Perfect 1

Practice Present Simple, Past Simple, and Present Perfect Tenses

Click on the blanks to reveal the correct answers.

Present Simple

1. I ______ up at 7 a.m. every day.
a) wake (wache auf), b) woke (wachte auf), c) have woken (bin aufgewacht)

The Heart 2

The Heart 2

The Heart 2 | Sprachschule Münster