The Heart 2

The Heart 2

The Heart 2 | Sprachschule Münster

50 Ways to Improve Heart Health

50 Ways to Improve Heart Health

Click on the blank to reveal the correct answer.

1. Eat more ______ and vegetables daily.
a) meat (Fleisch)
b) fruits (Früchte)
c) grains (Getreide)

2. Choose ______ grains over refined grains.
a) refined (raffiniert)
b) whole (vollkorn)
c) processed (verarbeitet)

3. Reduce ______ in your diet.
a) salt (Salz)
b) sugar (Zucker)
c) fat (Fett)

4. Avoid sugary ______ and snacks.
a) drinks (Getränke)
b) fruits (Früchte)
c) meals (Mahlzeiten)

5. Eat fish rich in ______, like salmon or mackerel.
a) omega-3 (Omega-3)
b) protein (Eiweiß)
c) fiber (Ballaststoffe)

6. Use olive ______ instead of butter for cooking.
a) oil (Öl)
b) vinegar (Essig)
c) cream (Sahne)

7. Include ______ like almonds and walnuts in your snacks.
a) nuts (Nüsse)
b) candies (Bonbons)
c) chips (Chips)

8. Drink plenty of ______ every day.
a) water (Wasser)
b) soda (Limonade)
c) juice (Saft)

9. Cut down on ______ meat.
a) red (rotes)
b) white (weißes)
c) processed (verarbeitetes)

10. Avoid ______ foods.
a) processed (verarbeitet)
b) fresh (frisch)
c) organic (bio)

11. Eat smaller ______ at meals.
a) portions (Portionen)
b) meals (Mahlzeiten)
c) bites (Bissen)

12. Avoid trans ______ found in fried foods.
a) proteins (Proteine)
b) fats (Fette)
c) oils (Öle)

13. ______ smoking.
a) Start (Anfangen)
b) Stop (Aufhören)
c) Avoid (Vermeiden)

14. Limit ______ to moderate amounts.
a) caffeine (Koffein)
b) alcohol (Alkohol)
c) sugar (Zucker)

15. Manage your ______ with a balanced diet.
a) energy (Energie)
b) weight (Gewicht)
c) sleep (Schlaf)

16. Exercise for ______ minutes most days.
a) 10 (zehn)
b) 30 (dreißig)
c) 60 (sechzig)

17. Try activities like ______, swimming, or cycling.
a) walking (Gehen)
b) running (Laufen)
c) climbing (Klettern)

18. Do strength training ______ a week.
a) once (einmal)
b) twice (zweimal)
c) three times (dreimal)

19. Practice yoga or ______ for stress relief.
a) meditation (Meditation)
b) tai chi (Tai Chi)
c) weightlifting (Gewichtheben)

20. Avoid sitting for long ______.
a) periods (Zeiten)
b) walks (Spaziergänge)
c) exercises (Übungen)

21. Use stairs instead of ______.
a) escalators (Rolltreppen)
b) stairs (Treppen)
c) elevators (Aufzüge)

22. Get enough ______, at least 7-8 hours a night.
a) exercise (Bewegung)
b) water (Wasser)
c) sleep (Schlaf)

23. Manage stress with ______ breathing or meditation.
a) deep (tiefes)
b) shallow (flaches)
c) fast (schnelles)

24. Spend time with family and ______ to reduce stress.
a) coworkers (Kollegen)
b) strangers (Fremde)
c) friends (Freunde)

25. ______ more; it’s good for your heart.
a) Work (Arbeiten)
b) Laugh (Lachen)
c) Sleep (Schlafen)

26. Monitor your ______ regularly.
a) heart rate (Herzfrequenz)
b) blood pressure (Blutdruck)
c) temperature (Temperatur)

27. Keep your ______ levels in check.
a) cholesterol (Cholesterin)
b) sugar (Zucker)
c) salt (Salz)

28. Visit your ______ for regular check-ups.
a) teacher (Lehrer)
b) doctor (Arzt)
c) trainer (Trainer)

29. Take ______ as prescribed by your doctor.
a) vitamins (Vitamine)
b) medications (Medikamente)
c) supplements (Ergänzungen)

30. Avoid exposure to ______ smoke.
a) secondhand (Passiv-)
b) fresh (frische)
c) clean (saubere)

31. Cook ______ at home more often.
a) meals (Mahlzeiten)
b) desserts (Nachspeisen)
c) drinks (Getränke)

32. Choose low-fat ______ products.
a) meat (Fleisch)
b) dairy (Milchprodukte)
c) grain (Getreide)

33. Snack on ______ like flaxseeds or chia seeds.
a) seeds (Samen)
b) cookies (Kekse)
c) chips (Chips)

34. Drink green ______ for its antioxidants.
a) tea (Tee)
b) juice (Saft)
c) coffee (Kaffee)

35. Avoid ______, even with healthy foods.
a) undercooking (unzureichendes Kochen)
b) overeating (Überessen)
c) reheating (Aufwärmen)

36. Limit ______ if it makes you anxious.
a) caffeine (Koffein)
b) alcohol (Alkohol)
c) sugar (Zucker)

37. Take ______ to relax during busy days.
a) naps (Schläfchen)
b) breaks (Pausen)
c) trips (Reisen)

38. Try ______ or outdoor activities for exercise.
a) dancing (Tanzen)
b) hiking (Wandern)
c) gaming (Spielen)

39. Include ______ and legumes in your diet.
a) fruits (Früchte)
b) beans (Bohnen)
c) grains (Getreide)

40. Avoid skipping ______ to maintain energy levels.
a) snacks (Snacks)
b) drinks (Getränke)
c) meals (Mahlzeiten)

41. Eat more ______ and vegetables daily.
a) meat (Fleisch)
b) fruits (Früchte)
c) grains (Getreide)

42. Choose ______ grains over refined grains.
a) refined (raffiniert)
b) whole (vollkorn)
c) processed (verarbeitet)

43. Reduce ______ in your diet.
a) salt (Salz)
b) sugar (Zucker)
c) fat (Fett)

44. Avoid sugary ______ and snacks.
a) drinks (Getränke)
b) fruits (Früchte)
c) meals (Mahlzeiten)

45. Eat fish rich in ______, like salmon or mackerel.
a) omega-3 (Omega-3)
b) protein (Eiweiß)
c) fiber (Ballaststoffe)

46. Use olive ______ instead of butter for cooking.
a) oil (Öl)
b) vinegar (Essig)
c) cream (Sahne)

47. Include ______ like almonds and walnuts in your snacks.
a) nuts (Nüsse)
b) candies (Bonbons)
c) chips (Chips)

48. Drink plenty of ______ every day.
a) water (Wasser)
b) soda (Limonade)
c) juice (Saft)

49. Cut down on ______ meat.
a) red (rotes)
b) white (weißes)
c) processed (verarbeitetes)

50. Avoid ______ foods.
a) processed (verarbeitet)
b) fresh (frisch)
c) organic (bio)

The Heart 2

The Heart 2

The Heart 2 | Sprachschule Münster